Friday, October 3, 2008

Anything also can happen

I am not sure whether you guys read the newspaper or not. There are one family, visited his brother during the Raya. When they reached, their nephew told them he dream of a method to cure their sickness, which is by beating/hitting their head by something. They start to hitting their head by using the helmet and some stick. In the end, both uncle and aunt died due to this.

Can you imagine this? I was like OMG while I am reading this news. Nowadays, anything also can happen. Please be extra careful and take good care of yourself and loved ones!


SMiLE said...


Dragon said...


Akira 思胜 said...

Freaking crazy!!! Walau eh, like that also can...

Kikey Loo said...

so weird... why not someone stop the nephew? Why the adult not run away, if they feel hurt?

AhhJohn said...


Joze Foo said...

ya i just read the news too. Kikey they did not run away because they believe these will cure their sickness. The husband wanna quit smoking and the wive got liver problem. They believe this is the treatment to cure them.

K3ViN said...

i know it though tat really scary lor...

jepunlauee said...

omg..I too was so shock when I read this news in the star online...

Angie said...

Oh my god..,,anything can happen in this world
