Before you purchase a web hosting, it is better for you to do a research or read more about it. There are many web hosting company that you can choose from. Each web hosting company provides different plans or packages for users. Some is cheap but the features are not as many as those expensive. However, you also need to know what is your actual need.
I found one site which is full of useful articles on web hosting including linux web hosting. Some people prefer linux web hosting for its security. It is the safest web hosting if compare to windows based.
Do you have a web hosting? If not, are you going to get one? Remember to go through the articles before your purchase.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Web Hosting
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3:16:00 PM
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I read your link already but still don't understand what is web hosting la, you explain to me la~ Good teacher~ ^^
You have one too?
chobits, haiyo..... find one day la then... yes, i have.
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